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How to Sew Pointe Shoes: A Detailed Guide

Ballet is unattainable without pointe shoes, which are used to perform on the tips of your toes, dancing while balancing for a beautiful, otherworldly, ethereal look. But you have to make pointe shoes fit your feet exactly and properly support your feet and knees. This customization often involves sewing on the elastics and ribbons on the ballet shoes. In our article, we will show you how to sew pointe shoes by selecting the right materials and preparing them through to completion.

Understanding Pointe Shoes: Beyond Basics

Anatomy of a pointe shoe

Pointe Shoe

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Understanding the various parts of a pointe shoe can help with the customization:

  • Box: encases the toes and supports the foot when on pointe. You can select different shapes and hardness levels depending on your foot's condition and your preference.

  • Shank: the part that provides stiffness under the arch. Shanks come in various strengths to suit the dancer's needs.

  • Vamp: the front section of the shoe that holds the foot when pointing.

  • Platform: the flat tip where the dancer balances when on pointe.

  • Inner sole: the bottom of the shoe, where the shank resides.

  • Heel: protects and supports the heel, coming in different heights.

Materials and Tools Needed in Sewing Pointe Shoes

Materials and Tools Needed In Sewing Pointe Shoes

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Before diving into the sewing process, you need to gather the proper materials and tools:

  • Pointe shoes:

  • There are three types of pointe ribbons, but using satin ribbons (generally 7/8" wide) is recommended.

  • Elastic (usually 1/2" or 3/4" wide): attach these to your shoes.

  • Scissors: For cutting the ribbons and elastic to size.

  • Thread (e.g., waxed dental floss, button thread, or upholstery thread): it's best to choose a strong nylon thread that matches the colour of the shoes and ribbons.

  • Needles(a heavy-duty sharp needle is ideal): a needle strong enough to force its way through the fabric of the shoes.

  • Thimble: It will protect your fingers while you’re sewing.

  • Pencil or tailor's chalk: making a mark for the place where you will stitch the ribbons and elastic.

  • Measuring Tape: to measure the correct length of ribbons and elastic.

  • Lighter or fray check: seal the edges of the ribbons to prevent fraying.

  • Seam ripper (optional)

How to Sew Ribbons on Pointe Shoes

Here's a step-by-step guide on sewing ribbons onto pointe shoes:

  1. Prepare your materials: be sure to have all of the supplies you need to sew ribbons on hand. Choose 22-inch ribbons for each shoe. You also want clean shoes.

  2. Pin the ribbons: put on your pointe shoes, tie the ribbons around your ankle in whichever way you want them to stay, and temporarily pin them in place with pins. Your ribbons should go over your instep and around your ankle.

    Pin the Ribbons

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  3. Mark the placement: when you are wearing the shoes with the pinned ribbons, mark where the ribbons should be placed (and hopefully how short to make them) on both the inside and outside of each shoe. You can use a pencil or chalk for this.

    Mark the Placement

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  4. Trim and fold: take off the shoes and trim the ribbons to the correct length, leaving just enough extra to be folded. To avoid fraying, fold the ends of the ribbons under.

  5. Thread the needle: thread your needle and knot it at the end.

  6. Sew the ribbons: sew the inside of the shoe first. Stick the needle into the lining of the shoe and extract the needle out the other marked point on the shoe. Then, sew through the folded end of the ribbon, pulling the thread taut but not too tight.

    Sew the Ribbons

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  7. Secure the ribbon: sew a few stitches to secure the ribbon to the shoe, making sure it is snug but not overly tight. You can create small stitches to form a neat and sturdy attachment. Repeat this process for both the inside and outside ribbon placements.

  8. Crossing the ribbons: after you have successfully attached your ribbons in place, you should cross them over your instep and tie them around your ankle. Adjust the fit and tightness as needed.

    Crossing the Ribbons

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  9. Sew the other ends: sew the other ends of the ribbons to the opposite side of the shoe, mirroring the placement you just sewed.

  10. Knot and trim: once you’ve sewn the ribbons securely on both shoe ribbons, knot the threads on the inside of the shoe and trim excess thread.

  11. Repeat for the second Shoe: repeat all the steps for the second pointe shoe.

  12. Test and adjust: put on both shoes and test the fit. Adjust the ribbons as needed for comfort and proper support.

How to Sew Elastic on Pointe Shoes

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to sew elastic onto pointe shoes:

  1. Prepare your materials: gather all your materials and make sure you break in your pointe shoes before attaching the elastic.

  2. Measure and cut elastic: measure and  The length may vary depending on your foot size and personal preferences. Make sure the elastic is comfortable but not overly tight.

  3. Pin elastic in place:  put on your pointe shoes; position the elastic pieces at a slight angle across the back seam of your shoe just above the heel seam. The elastic should cross over the Achilles tendon and provide a snug, secure fit. Use a sewing pin to hold the elastic in place temporarily.

  4. Sew the elastic: thread your needle with a length of thread, knot the end, and start sewing from the inside of the shoe. Insert the needle through the lining of the shoe and out through one end of the elastic. Make a few stitches to secure the elastic to the shoe, ensuring it is taut but not uncomfortable.

    How sew elastics on pointe shoes

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  5. Stitching pattern: you can use a crisscross stitching pattern for added strength. Sew through the elastic and the shoe's lining to create diagonal stitches that resemble an "X." Be careful not to sew through the outside of the shoe, as it will affect the fit and integrity of the shoe.

  6. Repeat for the other end: sew the other end of the same elastic piece to the opposite side of the shoe, right at the stitching source you just completed.

  7. Repeat for the second elastic: do the same process with the second piece of elastic, positioned slightly above the first one. It will stabilize the arch of the foot.

  8. Knot and trim: when you have securely sewn on both elastic pieces knot the end of the thread on the inside of the shoe and trim any excess thread..

    Trimmed elastic on pointe shoe

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  9. Test and adjust: The elastic should provide a secure hold without causing discomfort or restricting movement.

  10. Repeat for the other shoe: go through all the steps on pointe shoe second.

  11. Final adjustments: dance around and make sure the elastic is held down and comfortable on your new pointe shoes. Make any necessary adjustments to the tightness or positioning of the elastic for the best fit.


Here are a few pointe shoe hacks:

  • Paint the shoes or match the colour of the thread to the ribbon and elastic.

  • If you're struggling to push the needle through the shoe, pliers can help.

  • Ensure not to sew through the drawstring or any shoe part that needs to move with your foot.

  • If you're unsure of the fit, baste everything in place first (using loose, temporary stitches) to test it out before final sewing.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Sew Pointe Shoes

1. Can you use a sewing machine to sew pointe shoes?

It is technically possible to sew pointe shoes using a sewing machine, and professional dancers or shoemakers can do so, though it is not recommended. Even the most mundane items—pointe shoe ribbons and elastics—need their own precision and care to glue onto the pointe shoes without being painful or dangerous for the dancer.

Pointe shoes can be hand-sewn onto ribbons and elastics so that tension is more controllable and placement can sit better. Because pointe shoes are delicate and the ribbons and elastics need to be sewn in so carefully, hand stitching is the way to go to avoid discomfort or harm.

2. Why do pointe shoes need to be sewn?

Sewing pointe shoes will secure the ribbons and elastics (the supports and stability you need). This helps ensure a snug and custom fit, which is important for maintaining the dancer's balance, control, and overall comfort in pointe work.


Sewing pointe shoes is an art that requires a touch of detail and precision. With these instructions, you can customize pointe shoes to fit your feet just perfectly, providing comfort, support, and a beautiful look.

Keep in mind that every dancer's needs may vary, and it's usually a good idea to get a professional or instructor's opinion to find out exactly what your needs may be. Sewing pointe shoes can be a skill like any other, but you are going to need a bit of practice and patience to seek perfection. The finished product is a pair of shoes custom-made for your dancing needs, and you are going to get a better performance experience.

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