Camping 101: Packing Guide
We’ve all forgotten something when packing for a trip, especially a camping trip. Check out Vessi’s camping packing guide to ensure it never happens again!
At Vessi, we’re committed to doing our part in minimizing our environmental impact. From using sustainable materials in our shoes and recycled materials in our packaging, we're leading the wave of sustainable shoe brands. By continually striving to implement sustainable practices into all aspects of our brand, we’ve reinvented the way that shoes are made while also reducing our carbon footprint — down to our facilities, materials, packaging, and manufacturing processes.
We don't just use sustainable materials; we go above and beyond when making our sustainable shoes. For example, we look at various different factors when choosing the factories that we partner with, and it comes down to quality, workplaces that are committed to people and their teams, pricing, speed, and their practices in reducing their environmental impact. We’re committed to working with trusted and certified manufacturing partners aligning with our core values and following our shared sustainability goals. This is one aspect that keeps us winning among sustainable shoe brands.
It's not just about using natural materials in our brand's shoes. Sustainability to us means producing less waste while creating quality products that last. Our entire line of products, including our sustainable footwear, is mindfully made from vegan materials, down to the parts you can’t see. Animal products consume massive amounts of energy and water that negatively impact our environment. This is why we stick to sustainable materials. By focusing on our material technology, we aim to consume less energy and produce less waste without compromising quality.
Our goal is to eliminate waste and make sustainable practices as effortless as possible for our teams and our consumers, and this means using recycled materials. Since Vessi’s inception, our packaging has been 100% recyclable with zero use of plastic. Make sure you flatten our shoeboxes and scan the QR code to receive a special surprise for doing your part on your next order!
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