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Why Glue Pennies to the Bottom of Shoes?

You aren't alone if you're curious about this trend where parents glue pennies to their kids' shoes. It would be great to understand the reason behind it. Why glue pennies to bottoms of shoes? Well, glueing pennies to the soles of your kids' shoes is a nifty hack that some parents have been trying out. Although it might sound like an odd DIY project, stick with me (pun intended) as we discuss why parents glue pennies to shoes.

The innovative nature of our Vessi shoes is often compared to the idea of glueing pennies to the bottom of the shoes. With its waterproof technology, Vessi challenges traditional footwear norms, ensuring you are always prepared for whatever comes your way. Besides, Vessi addresses the importance of a solid foundation for a smooth and reliable walking experience. Just as the pennies offer an unconventional yet practical solution, Vessi's sole engineering delivers an unmatched level of support and innovation, elevating your every step.

Why Glue Pennies to the Bottom of Shoes?

1. To Serve as Tap Dance Shoes

The kid you might have noticed with modified shoes might be learning tap dance. And tap shoes are usually expensive, especially the branded ones; they only offer the tapping sound.

Why Are Pennies Glued to the Shoes?

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A parent may consider getting second-hand tap shoes, but they aren't good enough for everyday wear. What would be an easy and inexpensive way to get a decent pair of tap dancing shoes? Yes, you guessed it right!

Glueing pennies into Vessi kids' shoes or any other shoes is economical; some parents might want to take this route.

2. For Fun

Most kids like making noise with their shoes around the house. Parents glueing pennies to the shoes is the ideal approach to ensuring their kids have fun while staying active. They will love the tapping sound from the shoes and will happily run and jump from one place to another.

3. To Enhance Traction

The soles of your shoes might lose their grip over time, providing no grip at all. In that case, the patterns made from glued pennies are useful, creating more traction. However, the traction won't be as great as in the original design.

4. To Keep Your Kids Alert

Most kids tend to get distracted easily. And so, parents often glue pennies to their children's shoes to keep them from distractions while walking. The tap-tap sound can keep the kid alert while walking rather than diverting their mind to something else.

Steps on How to Glue Pennies to the Bottom of Shoes

Materials Needed

  1. Child's shoes

  2. Pennies

  3. Super glue

  4. Sandpaper or a rough surface (if necessary for better adhesion)

  5. Protective gloves (optional)

Step 1: Prepare the Shoes

Start by cleaning the shoe soles to remove dirt, dust, or debris. Besides, if the shoe bottoms are very smooth, we recommend scratching them lightly with sandpaper or a rough surface to help enhance the adhesion of the glue to the shoe material.

Why Glue Pennies to Bottom of Shoes

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Keep in mind that proper preparation is essential for creating a secure and long-lasting adhesion between the pennies and the shoe soles.

Step 2: Select a Few Pennies

Ensure you have a good number of pennies—at least 8–10. Decide on the arrangement or pattern of pennies you want on the soles. Aim for an even distribution of the pennies across the sole for optimal stability and traction. Avoid clustering them in one area, as it can cause an imbalance while walking.

Step 3: Apply Glue to the Sole

After selecting a good number of pennies and ensuring the sole is clean and dry, it's time to apply glue to the shoe soles. Carefully apply the glue to the sole and the backside of each penny. Avoid using too much glue to prevent it from squeezing once pressed onto the shoe. Besides, we recommend using superglue to secure the pennies so they don't fall off when the kid is dancing or walking around.

Moreover, use a small craft brush or even a toothpick to spread the super glue evenly. Balancing the legs while wearing the shoes will be challenging if you don't glue the pennies properly.

Step 4: Stick the Pennies

Carefully position the penny in the desired spot on the shoe sole. Hold the shoe upside down and firmly press the pennies to ensure good contact. Then, clean the pennies with a towel to remove the excess glue surrounding them.

Once the pennies are in place, put the shoes on the floor. The pressure the shoe applies to the floor should be enough to hold the pennies in place.

Step 5: Inspect and Test

Inspect the pennies after the glue has dried to ensure they are securely attached. Gently try to lift or wiggle them to check for any loose areas. Besides, check to see if the shoe can balance itself correctly on the ground.

Before allowing your kid to wear the shoes, test them on a safe surface to ensure the penny offers the desired traction. If one of the sides is higher than the other, remove the pennies and glue them again correctly.

Tips for Glueing Pennies to the Bottom of Shoes

Tips for Glueing Pennies to the Bottom of Shoes

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1. Choose the Right Shoes

Go for shoes with sturdy and durable soles crafted from rubber or synthetic materials. These materials offer a better surface for the pennies to adhere to and ensure a more secure bond. We have a variety of kid's shoe collections to choose from.

Avoid shoes with thin or delicate soles, as they may not securely hold the pennies and can be more prone to damage during glueing.

2. Avoid Using Tape

Some parents try to use tape to stick pennies to their kids' shoes, which fails miserably. Glues are more effective than tapes. Tapes usually don't have the same holding power to achieve the desired adhesive. Therefore, avoid using tape. Rather, you should use super glue for this task.

3. Inspect and Change the Coins Over Time

If your child loves tap dancing, those pennies will probably get worn out quite fast. And with time, the shoe's proportions can diminish, which is bad for a tap shoe. Besides, the pennies will eventually wear out, even if the child uses the shoes for walking.

Consequently, you'd need to change the pennies occasionally. This will ensure your child can dance or walk properly on any surface.

4. Avoid Weighing Out the Shoe

Pennies are metal coins. And if you glue too many on the sole, they'll make the shoes too heavy to wear. Walking while wearing overweight shoes can be difficult. Therefore, avoid weighing out the shoes while sticking in the pennies.

5. Allow Enough Drying Time

After cleaning the shoe soles, allow them enough time to dry before applying the glue. Also, after applying the glue, give the shoes sufficient time to dry completely before testing. Proper drying ensures a strong bond between the pennies and the shoe soles, making the DIY modification durable and long-lasting.

How to Remove the Glued Pennies from the Bottom of Shoes

Changing the pennies or removing them completely from the bottom of the shoes can be challenging; however, it's possible with the right tools and approach. Here are the steps to follow:

Remove the Glued Pennies from the Bottom of Shoes

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Materials Needed

  1. Putty knife or box cutter

  2. Adhesive remover

  3. Rubbing alcohol

  4. Clean cloth

  5. Mild soap and water

  6. A drop cloth

Step 1: Prepare Your Work Area

Look for a clean space to work in. Lay down a drop cloth to catch any debris that might come loose during the process.

Step 2: Evaluate the Bottom of the Shoes

Some glue types are usually more challenging to remove than others. If any pennies are already loose, pry them off with your fingers. If the glue is strong, you will need to be careful and patient during the removal process.

Step 3: Soak the Shoes

If the pennies are stuck firmly on the shoe sole, try soaking them in warm, soapy water for 15–20 minutes. This will help soften the glue and make it easier to remove the pennies.

Step 4: Use a Putty Knife or Box Cutter

Using a putty knife or box cutter, carefully slide it under the edges of the pennies to lift them off the sole. Be patient and cautious not to cut or damage the shoe material.

If there are still stubborn pennies, repeat step 3 until all the pennies come out.

Step 5: Apply Adhesive Remover

After removing all the pennies, apply an adhesive remover to the remaining glue residue. Give it a few minutes to soften the adhesive.

Step 6: Scrub Off the Glue Residue

Use a clean cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol to scrub off the softened glue. Gently rub in a circular motion, being cautious not to damage the shoe material.

Repeat step 5 until all the glue comes out.

Step 7: Clean and Dry the Shoes

Why glue pennies to bottom of shoes

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Once all the glue residues come out, wash the shoes with mild soap and water to remove any remaining residue. Then, allow them to dry completely.

Frequently Asked Questions: Why Glue Pennies to the Bottom of Shoes

1. Why do people put pennies in their shoes?

People glue pennies to enhance traction and grip, especially when walking on slippery surfaces or icy roads. The added weight and texture of the pennies provide more stability and reduce the risk of slipping.

2. Why do parents glue pennies to shoes?

Parents glue pennies to their kids' shoes to save money on purchasing expensive tap dancing shoes. It's usually fun for the kids, and parents also find it entertaining. Besides, they may be following a trend and are curious about how it feels when pennies clink.

3. What is the best glue for pennies?

Super glue is the best for attaching pennies to your kid's shoes since it has a strong adhesive for bonding rubber or synthetic materials. Choosing the right glue ensures a secure and durable bond between the pennies and the shoe soles.

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