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How to Clean Fabric Shoes: A Step-by-Step Guide for Fresh Footwear

Fabric shoes are a staple in many wardrobes—they’re stylish, breathable, and perfect for everyday wear. But over time, dirt, stains, and odors can take a toll, leaving them looking worn out. The good news? With a few simple steps, you can easily clean them and keep them looking fresh.

While traditional fabric shoes require regular upkeep, Vessi shoes offer a hassle-free alternative with their waterproof, stain-resistant design—making cleaning even easier. But if you’re working with standard fabric shoes, this guide will walk you through the best ways to keep them in top shape.

Materials Needed

To start, gather the following items:

  • Your fabric shoes (best for flat styles; avoid velvet or brocade)
  • Lukewarm water
  • A soft toothbrush
  • Delicate liquid laundry detergent (fragrance-free options like Earthwise are suitable)
  • Paper towels
  • A bowl

Cleaning Process

How to Clean Fabric Shoes
  1. Prepare the Cleaning Solution
    Pour lukewarm water into your bowl. Put a very small amount of laundry detergent on the toothbrush. After that, swish the toothbrush in the water until the detergent is fully dissolved.

  2. Dampen the Toothbrush
    Shake off most of the water from the toothbrush. The idea is to ensure that your shoes stay as dry as possible when you are cleaning. Hold the slightly damp toothbrush against the soiled areas on your shoes in simple parallel back-and-forth movements along the strand of fabric. This technique creates suds and aids in lifting dirt.

  3. Focus on Heavily Soiled Areas
    Scrub over the whole shoe surface, focusing on the tougher-to-reach areas. While it’s all right to occasionally wet your cleaning solution down again and re-soak the shoes, they aren’t what you’re looking for.

  4. Rinse the Shoes
    Rinse the bowl and toothbrush thoroughly again, then add clean, non-soapy water to the bowl. Using a barely damp toothbrush, gently brush your shoes again to remove the last of the detergent. Make short, brisk strokes, moving the shoe from back to front.

  5. Ensure Cleanliness
    Rinse your toothbrush constantly to remove detergent residue. This step helps prevent residue from being left on your shoes.

  6. Drying Your Shoes
    When you finish brushing, pat and wipe the shoes with paper towels to soak up any extra moisture. Next, wrap some paper towels and put them inside the shoes so they keep their shape and absorb more moisture.

  7. Final Drying
    If you must, place your shoes in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Make sure they are completely dry before you wear them again.

Final Take 

Final Take on How to Clean Fabric Shoes

Depending on how dirty your shoes are, after the cleaning process, you’ll notice just how nice they look. This helps ensure that they not only look cleaner but also good.

Regular cleaning will help make a noticeable difference and keep your fabric shoes in top condition. This method is an essential part of your shoe care routine.

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